Friday, August 28, 2020

California Birds & More: 2-20

Prairie Falcon

California Sea Lion

Mute Swan

Tundra Swans

Lewis and Clark provided the first written description of the Tundra Swan during their expedition to the West, where the birds’ whistle-like calls prompted Meriwether Lewis to dub them “whistling swans.”

Natural Tunnel State Park, VA: 8-20

Male American Goldfinch

Female Eastern Bluebird
 The state bird of both New York and Missouri

Black Vulture

BirdMobile at our campsite

We are standing at Lover's Leap

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Blue Ridge Parkway: 8-20

Red Milk Beetle on Tickseed

Clouded Sulphur Butterfly

Common Wood-Nymph 

Common Green June Beetle on Common Milkweed

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterly 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Virginia Arboretum: 7-20

Lincoln's Sparrow

Cooper's Hawk

House Finch

House Wren

Eastern Kingbird