Friday, October 30, 2020

California: 2-20


Drake Mallard in breeding finery (The Mallard is the ancestor of all domestic breeds, except the Muscovy Duck)

Northern Harrier (one of the 25 or so birds on my Top 10 Favorite Bird List): Unusual among hawks, these birds use their sense of hearing to help locate prey.  They have an owl-like facial disc to help with directional hearing and soft feathers for a quieter flight.

Mute Swan

Young Red-shouldered Hawk


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Southeast Alaska


Bubble-net feeding Humpback Whales

                                                  Resting Humpback Whales

Our home away from home, the beautiful Delphinus

Salmon migrating upstream

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Our aquarium fish


Bariene Tang

                                                Long-spined Sea Urchin

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sandwich Terns at Ft Desoto: 10-15-20


  • The two subspecies of Sandwich Tern breeding in North America and Eurasia have black bills with yellow tips. A third subspecies known at the "Cayenne Tern" is found in the southern Caribbean and the Atlantic Coast of South America. It has an all yellow bill.



Saturday, October 17, 2020

Deck shots


                Pair of Northern Cardinals (Female on the right)

Male Downy Woodpecker (North America's smallest woodpecker)

                              Gaillardia aka Blanket Flower

                                     Red and Blue Water Lilies

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Cosumnes River Preserve: 2-20


Snow Geese

                                Male Brewer's Blackbird

                           Your trivia for the day: A group of Brewer's Blackbirds is collectively known as a "keg" of blackbirds.

                    Cinnamon Teal (Two males and a single female)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Snake in our driveway


Juvenile Southern Black Racer

Met me on my way to get the paper

They wear a beautiful pattern

Shed skin

The juvenile pattern is so different from the black pattern of the adults

The white chin is a helpful field mark

Our state bird is not happy with having a snake in it's territory, perhaps near its nest.