Sunday, January 31, 2021

Pea Island NWR, NC: 1-17-21


Pied-billed Grebe

Bottlenose Dolphin


Male Belted Kingfisher hovering before a dive

Savannah Sparrow

Turtle in freshwater Turtle Pond

There is so much saltwater over wash into the streets at high full moon tides, the locals get tired of visitors speeding through the flooded streets

Friday, January 29, 2021

Outer Banks, NC: 1-17-21

 Sanderling coming in for a landing

Bottlenose Dolphin spy-hopping

Shrimp boats

Thousands of birds following the boat

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tundra Swans: Pea Island NWR, NC: 1-20-21


The trailing bird is a youngster, a cygnet

A minor squabble.  The bird on the right was jabbing and biting the bird on the left.

Preening and hanging out with Canada Geese

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Song Sparrows: Outer Banks, NC: 1-18-21


These sparrows have brown lateral throat stripe

Streaks converge into a central spot

They are common and very widespread.  Stocky, long-tailed