Monday, May 31, 2021

Mix 'n Match, Ducks: Pea Island NWR, NC (1-21)

 Black Ducks

Female Buffleheads

Male Canvasback

Male Gadwall

Male Northern Pintail

Ringnecked Ducks

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Deck shots

 White Ibis among the Gaillardia and Sunshine Mimosa

Ibises foraging in the shallows

In our mangroves

Female Anhinga

Pair of Northern Cardinals

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bird Island: 5-8-21


Mother Nature's clean up crew: Turkey Vulture

White Ibises

Roseate Spoonbill

Adult Brown Pelican

Adult Great egret coming into its nest


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Chincoteague NWR, VA: 1-24-21

 American Black Ducks

American Black Ducks are large ducks with a profile nearly identical to Mallards. They have rounded heads, thick bills, and bulky bodies. Like other dabbling ducks they sit high in the water with their tails high.

Range Map

Potpourri (Ducks (Gadwalls, Northern Shovelers), Tundra Swan, Marbled Godwits)

Red-shouldered Hawk

Snow Geese resting

Tundra Swans