Monday, October 25, 2021

More from Alaska


Brown Bear paw prints at Potter Marsh (about the size of a dinner plate!)

Spider web


Learning to fish starts early

Scalycaps Mushrooms

Moose trying to get the tender leaves up higher in the tree

Pups at 3.5 months old: 10-24-21


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Female Painted Bunting in our Simpson's Stopper


A group of Painted Buntings is collectively known as a "mural" of buntings

The females have a subtle beauty but the males are stunning (unfortunately he was not in our yard)

They are the only bird in the U.S. to have a blue head and red underparts

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Deck shots


Palm Warbler in the shade

Male Northern Cardinal

Mottled Duck take-off from one of our ponds

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Wilson's Plovers at Ft Desoto County Park


Wilson's Plover chicks at Ft Desoto's North Beach in June

Camouflaged chicks

More vulnerable out in the open
