Thursday, December 30, 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Photo of the day


Female Mottled Duck

Off our seawall:  12-23-21

Along the Gulf of Mexico coast lives a rich brown duck with a lovely buff head and neck, a bright yellow bill, and a distinctive black spot at the gape. It’s reminiscent of a female Mallard or an American Black Duck, but this is the closely related Mottled Duck. They’re so closely related that hybridization, especially with Mallards, poses a real threat to the Mottled Duck’s future. Look for this species in pairs or small flocks, mostly in freshwater marshes near the coast.

Range Map

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Photos of the Day


Male Northern Cardinal in our mangroves


Female Northern Cardinal


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Photo of the day


Brown Bear

The difference is regional: bears found inland are referred to as grizzlies, while those on the coasts are known as brown bears. 

Potter Marsh

Anchorage, AK

Photo of the day



Sweetwater Wetlands

Gainesville, FL


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sweetwater Wetlands: Gainesville, FL 12-1-21


Great Blue Heron

Our largest heron: 6+ foot wingspan

Largest of the North American herons with long legs, a sinuous neck, and thick, daggerlike bill. Head, chest, and wing plumes give a shaggy appearance. In flight, the Great Blue Heron curls its neck into a tight “S” shape; its wings are broad and rounded and its legs trail well beyond the tail.

Green Heron

Our smallest heron

Bears: Summer 2021


Wednesday, December 15, 2021



Tall Ironwood

Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly

Puffball Mushrooms


Bird Island: 5-8-21


White Ibises

Bird Island

Young Brown Pelican

Adult Brown Pelican with one of its chicks

Monday, December 13, 2021

Deck Shots

Cattle Egret flyby was quicker than the photographer


Sand Lake NWR, SD: 6-21-19

13-lined Ground Squirrel

The thirteen-lined ground squirrel, or "thirteen liner," is the small gopher-like animal often seen along roads in all but northeastern Minnesota. It is one of the animals that has adapted to urban and agricultural development, and actually has expanded its range in Minnesota.

Black-crowned Night Heron

The adults of this species do not distinguish between their chicks and the chicks of other nests.  They will brood chicks which are not their own.