Monday, May 30, 2022

Magnificent Frigatebirds on Jackass Key: 5-23-22

 Females: Black head & white breast

Juveniles:  White head & white breast

Males: All black with a red gular pouch in breeding plumage

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Shots from our deck


Mourning Dove in our Sunshine Mimosa

One of "our" two young bunnies

Northern Cardinal pair

Double-crested Cormorant flyover

A murder of crows

Boats on the Bay

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Lake Woodruff NWR: 3-22-22 (DeLand, FL)


Young American Alligator

Halloween Pennant Dragonfly

Osprey hovering before a dive

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Shots from our deck


One of "our" young Bunnies

Female Northern Cardinal bathing in one of our ponds

Male Northern Cardinal bathing

Fish Crow

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk in one of our oaks