Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Potpourri: Plum Island, MA (Parker River NWR)

 Great Egret, preening

Beach Art

Resting American Avocet

Several Greater Yellowlegs walking and feeding

Two Greater Yellowlegs

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Waubay NWR, SD: 6-19


Male American Goldfinch

Male Red-winged Blackbird


More images from Connecticut: 8-26-22


Osprey nest

Eastern Painted Turtle
The most common turtle in North America

Green Frog

Twisty trunk on a living maple tree

Woodpecker Condo

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Fish Crows

Fish Crows hang out on our neighbor's dock 

Fish Crow investigating

Very intelligent and very curious

Love the way Blue Jays bounce up and down when they make certain calls

MishMash: White Memorial Foundation and Conservation Area, Connecticut (8-24-22)


Just got the last end of the snake before it disappeared into the stream bank

Eastern Phoebe

Tent Caterpillar

The Eastern Tent Caterpillar colonies are easily recognized by the protective tents of silk that the caterpillars build in their hoist plants.  The larvae feed on young green leaves in the outer branches of the trees.  Many caterpillars take shelter in each nest and feed outside of their tents.

Adult female House Sparrow (a non-native invasive)

Two male Wild Turkeys

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Potpourri from our lone day/night in New York: 8-23-22

 Male Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

Alabama's state bird

Early Fall foliage

Here's lookin' at ya!