Saturday, July 14, 2018

Glacier Bay NP: July 18

This Male Brown Bear waded into the river, submerged his head and started blowing bubbles.

A majestic scenery behind this coastal bear.

After finishing his morning toilette he proceeded to enter and cross the stream.

Then he proceeded in a non-challanted manor sauntering slowly by our group essentially paying us no attention at all.

He was a very healthy-looking bear, especially since he had not been out of hibernation long and the berries aren’t ripe yet and the salmon haven’t returned yet to spawn so his diet consists of whatever he can catch to eat.  Some 80% of heir diet consists of plant material.

Feeding along the intertidal zone at low tide looking for crabs, clams,and other invertebrates.

This young bear was having a salad lunch on sedge grasses.

Running after fish


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