Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hippos- Africa

  As nocturnal grazers, hippos tend to follow timeworn feeding paths from the lake shore up into the forest and nearby clearings where they feed at night.

Unpredictable and surprisingly fast, hippos account for more human deaths than any other African animal, trampling and biting unwary pedestrians (and/or women washing clothes in the river) that come between them and their routes back to the water.

They weigh 2-3 tons when fully grown.

All of their most important sense organs (eyes, ears and nose) are located on the top of their head so the vast majority of their body can remain under water while they remain vigilant to their surroundings.

These “yawns” are actually threat displays to try to intimidate other hippos without actually getting into a fight where injury might result.

Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow

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