Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bird Survey: 5-14-19

Brown Pelican adults feeding their young

Mom or Dad open their huge bill and regurgitate a fishy, soupy meal into their pouch as the baby bird jams its head in for a meal

Adult takes off

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Egmont Key NWR: 5-17-19

Male Ruddy Turnstone in breeding plumage

These are the signs we replaced

Male Red-Saddlebags Dragonfly

Water was definitely cooler than the hot sun reflecting off the white beach sand

Tanker heading to Port Tampa under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Paper Wasps: Paper wasps are vespid wasps that gather fibers from dead wood and plant stems, which they mix with saliva, and use to construct water-resistant nests made of gray or brown papery material. Some types of paper wasps are also sometimes called umbrella wasps, due to the distinctive design of their nests.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

BNBS: Ft Desoto 5-16-19


Royal Terns

Sanderlings in summer breeding plumage

Sanderlings in winter, non-breeding plumage

Adult male Ruddy Turnstone in breeding plumage

He’s got a long way to go to get to his breeding grounds

American Oystercatcher

What a handsome bird