Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Winnipeg, Manitoba: 7-11-19

Beautiful bridge over the Red River

Female Common Goldeneye

with Female Bufflehead 

Female Wood Duck

wither chicks

Wood Duck young leave the nest soon after hatching.  They jump from the nesting cavity, often high up in a tree, to the ground or water.


Male Wood Duck
Wood Ducks were hunted nearly to extinction during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Thankfully management procedures have been successful and there are now well over a million of these beautiful ducks in North America.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Waubay NWR, South Dakota: 6-20-19

Three-story Woodpecker Apartment house

Chipping Sparrow hunkered down in the grass.  The head pattern of this sparrow changes
in fall and winter.

 Red-winged Blackbird chasing away a Northern Harrier who ventured into the blackbird’s territory.

Female Yellow Warbler 

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nature Notes

Canada Geese at FortWhyte, Alive Nature Park in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Deck Shots

Female Northern Cardinal

Bathing in our pond

Mama and Papa Cardinal

Adult Brown Thrasher joins the Female Northern Cardinal

One of the two baby thrashers “our” pair had this season

Young Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron scratching that itch

Brown Pelican flyby (adult in front; immature below)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Audubon NWR, ND: 7-4-19

Fourth of July Airshow over our campsite in Minot, ND from the nearby Air Force Base

This American White Pelican was not from the Air Force Base but was part of the flyover!

Sprague’s Pipit (New trip bird)

Who’s looking at whom?

Female Mallard Duck

White-tailed Deer

Shot through the front windshield of the BirdMobile

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ospreys on Egmont Key NWR: 5-17-19

Some Ospreys migrate north all the way into Canada;  some go south to South America and many are year-round residents.

After he ate the head, Dad is bringing a meal to his mate and their two chicks