Monday, July 8, 2019

Rydell NWR, MN: 6-25-19

Mama White-tailed Deer

Her fawn

We saw this "white spot” in the middle of a field while doing 65 mph on the highway.

We slowed, turned around in the highway  (there were no cars coming from either direction as far as we could see) went back to discover it was an adult eagle. We stopped the car in the middle of the highway, I got out and photographed the eagle.  At first we couldn’t figure out what it was doing.  Was it injured or what?  Finally we noted a dead raccoon in a ditch between the road and the field and the eagle had been feeding on the carcass and apparently just took its meal into the field to eat in peace (though there were no other birds around the carcass that might have been competing with the eagle for a meal).

We also took a side trip and visited this refuge as well.

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