Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Belted Kingfishers

One of the most widespread land birds in all of North America, breeding from Alaska to Labrador and south to Florida, texas, and California.


Males have a wide blue band across the breast; females have an additional rusty band that extends down their flanks.  In both sexes the wings are tipped with white, and tail feathers are barred with white.


They cooperate with housekeeping chores and the rearing of their young.  While males sometimes remain in the northern latitudes to keep an eye on a prime nesting site, which is vital to their nesting success, females migrate south for the winter.  In the spring they return to the waiting males.

They tend to work a lone with a diet that consists almost entirely of small fish.  But when heavy rains cloud the waterways, they will snatch insects on the wing and scoop frogs, lizards, and snakes off the ground.  Like owls and hawks, the kingfisher’s internal organs use the nourishing part of their prey and disgorge the indigestible scales and bones as pellets.

Pups at 4 weeks old

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Deck shots

European Collared Dove anting in the hot sun

Common Grackle: they also allow ants to crawl on their bodies and secrete formic acid, most likely to rid themselves of parasites.

Great Egret with lunch

String Lily just before opening

Handsome male Red-breasted Merganser

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ft Desoto County Park: 10-2-19

Snowy Egret

Ruddy Turnstone


Reddish Egret


Road Rage will get you in trouble

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Africa: 2-19

Mountain Gorilla family

Yellow-throated Longclaw

Rosy-breasted Longclaw

Hippos, the 2nd largest land mammal

Crowned Crane, the only crane that typically roosts in trees

The Ostrich, has the largest eyes in the entire animal kingdom.  Their eye is actually larger than their brain!

African sunset

Friday, October 25, 2019

Deck shots

Monk Parakeet feeding

Several Manatees were feeding on the grass flats in front of our house.

Northern Mockingbird

Arkansas’s state bird

Cute picture (Not mine)