Sunday, October 6, 2019

American Avocets at Salyer NWR, ND: 7-25-19

Interestingly, in response to predators, these birds will sometimes issue a series of call notes that gradually changes pitch, simulating the Doppler effect and thus making its approach seem faster than it actually is!

So handsome in breeding plumage

Love the patterns on the wings  

The chicks are very active even n the first day after they hatch.

They can walk, eat, swim and even dive on day #1

Non-breeding plumage

Their nests are depressions on the sand or platforms of grass on mudflats.  Should the water level rise, the breeding pair will raise the nest up to a foot or more with sticks, weeds, bones and feathers to keep the eggs above water.

Their feet are webbed which, of course, makes swimming more efficient.

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