Friday, December 6, 2019

Egmont Key NWR: 11-10-19

Male Black-throated Blue Warbler
  • In the Dominican Republic, Black-throated Blue Warblers take advantage of a sweet treat created by insects harvesting tree sap. These insects feed on tree sap and excrete drops of sweet sap or "honeydew" from their back ends that the warblers drink up.

Each tanker and cruise ship coming into and out of Tampa Bay must have a Pilot on board.  These pilots live in a 5 acre compound on Egmont Key and go out to the tankers and cruise ships in these pilot boats. 

Great Egret

Egrets and herons have heads, necks and bills that weigh proportionately more than their bodies, so they must curl their heads back and rest it on their bodies while in flight, giving it an “S” shape.

Cranes on the other hand, like this Sandhill Crane, with smaller and sleeker heads, fly with their necks outstretched.

American Kestrels were brought by the Boyd Hill Raptor personnel to show folks these beautiful birds.

Female checking us out

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