Thursday, January 30, 2020

Pouch-stretching sequence: Brown Pelicans

  To maintain the elasticity of the pouch and keep it flexible, pelicans perform pouch exercises, throwing the head back with the bill open, or even tucking the head down and turning the pouch inside-out over the breast.  Like other pelecaniforms, pelicans use their pouches in breeding displays that involve lifting the head to show off the pouch or inflating it with air.  During the display period, the pouch becomes brightly colored.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Deck Shots

Florida’s state bird

Male Red-breasted Merganser in breeding finery which is a little unusual since as you can see from the range map, they don’t breed here.

Handsome Tufted Titmouse

Male Red-bellied Woodpecker going to one of our feeders, getting sunflower seeds and storing them into holes in the palm tree