Thursday, April 30, 2020

Our 550 gal saltwater fishtank

mated pair of Percula Clownfish in “their” home anemone

Female is the larger of the two

This is a video at 2 am when all the lights have been lessened to mimic the night time blue

Painted Triggerfish

Yellow Wrasse

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Shollenberger Park, CA

Western Sandpiper

Breeding plumage

  • Western Sandpipers compete with many other sandpiper species when foraging. When larger Dunlin are absent, Western Sandpipers forage at the edge of the receding or advancing tide, where prey is easiest to catch. When Dunlin are present, Westerns often forage on drier areas of mud.

Non-breeding plumage

In migration (like these birds in Cordova, Alaska) they travel in massive flocks .

Male Red-winged Blackbirds

Claiming his territory and letting the females know he’s available.

East Africa: 2-20

Colobus Monkey



Saturday, April 25, 2020

Deck shots


Male Northern Cardinal

Eating sunflower seeds 

The new Pier was supposed to open on May 1st but .......

Though uncommon, we had not one but three adult Bald Eagles fly over our home at the same time

White Ibis scratching that itch

Then preening