Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sacramento NWR, CA: Feb 2020


Dunlin are an abundant species that nests around the world’s arctic regions. They winter in large flocks along bays, estuaries, and coastlines. They have notably long, curved bills but they don’t probe deeply into mud; instead they tend to feed on invertebrates just barely below the surface.

Western Meadowlark
The western meadowlark is the state bird of six states: Montana, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, and Wyoming. The northern cardinal, which represents seven states, is the only bird to hold the status of state bird in more states.

Snow Geese

Northern Harrier on the hunt

Duck potpourri
Pair of Gadwalls in the rear (male on the left)
Pair of Northern Shovelers in the middle (male on the right)
Male American Wigeon in the foreground

Bald Eagle 

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