Sunday, April 25, 2021

Cosumnes River Preserve, CA: 2-20


Snow Geese

Greater Yellowlegs

House Finch

Cinnamon Teal

Oak Titmouse:Nondescript save for its crest, the Oak Titmouse might not wow many bird watchers at first sight. But these vocal, active birds characterize the warm, dry oak woods from southern Oregon to Baja California—they’re “the voice and soul of the oaks,” according to one early naturalist. Mates pair for life, and both partners noisily defend their territory year-round. The Oak Titmouse and the nearly identical Juniper Titmouse of the Great Basin were once treated as a single species, the Plain Titmouse.

They have a very restricted range


Bottoms up!  (Northern Pintail)

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