Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Boating with the Howards: 1-17-17

Miller Family Bird Colony Island (aka Bird Island- West)
 Black-crowned Night-Heron

Great Blue Heron on the nest

Roseate Spoonbill

What a stretch! Adult Brown Pelican

Immature White Ibis

Double-crested Cormorant bringing in nesting material

Adult Brown Pelican

Young Brown Pelican: Glottal Exposure


Preening positions

Monday, January 30, 2017

Pups at 2 months old: 1-28-17, Set 1

Sea Sea and her pups

Michael is a Dog Whisperer and a Dog Sitter Par excellance

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Weedon Island Preserve- Set 2

Little Blue Heron

Mangrove Crab

Mangrove "forest"
Easy to see how it is almost impossible for humans to travel through the maze of prop roots and drop roots.

Mixed feeding flock

Little Blue Heron and White Ibis

Mixed Flock feeding

White Ibis- Tactile feeding by touch not sight

"Sewing machine" feeding



Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pups at 7 weeks of age: 1-21-17 Set 4

Today is Saturday, 1-28-17, their 2 month anniversary.  We will take photos and videos today and publish them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week.  Please check our blog at tandlontheroad.blogspot.com. 

Our dear friend, Edith with a very contented pup