Sunday, January 8, 2017

Bird Survey: Pinellas NWR Jan 1st

One of two Reddish Egrets we saw on one of the spoil islands, Darling Key.

Counting the flock of White Pelicans resting on the west side of Tarpon Key

Between 390 and 400 of our winter visitors 

Tricolored Heron
Solitary in foraging for fish, often chasing others away from its "feeding territory."

Male Belted Kingfisher
Kingfishers have a very distinctive pattern of wingbeats, unlike any other group of birds.  They are intermittent and irregular, without a regular rhythm of flapping and gliding.  The overall path of the flight is level, without undulations.

Male Osprey on the hunt

Aptly named Ring-billed Gull.  Our 2nd most common gull.

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