Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Crescent Lake Birds: Sunday, Jan 15th (Part 1)

North America's only stork: Wood Stork

Funky "Hairdo"

Preening Pied-billed Grebe

The Latin genus name for "grebe" means "feet at the buttocks" - an apt descriptor for these birds, whose feet are indeed located near their rear ends.
 Easy to see its "pied" bill too. (one or more colors, often black and white)

A VERY widespread range

These guys are fairly poor fliers and typically stay on the water.  We have rarely seen them in flight.

Adult Little Blue Heron still with a few white feathers from its youth (see the next image which shows the young on the left, transition feathering in the middle and an adult on the right)

Palm Warbler

The most common winter warbler in our area

Green Heron

These birds usually hunt by wading in shallow water, but occasionally they dive for deep-water prey and need to swim back to shore-probably with help from the webs between their middle and outer toes.

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