Friday, December 1, 2017

Sweetwater Wetlands Park: 10-29-17, Gainesville, FL

American Alligator

The air potato plant is a non-native, exotic invasive plant that spreads like wildfire.  The University of Florida has developed a beetle which only eats this particular plant and has released these beetles in selected areas.  Here one can see the result of these beetles at work.  A Natural pesticide!

Great Egret, symbol of the National Audubon Society

They fly slowly but powerfully; with just two wingbeats per second their cruising speed is almost 25 mph!

A few in
 the herd of wild horses on part of Paynes Prairie.

Cattle Egrets following closely to forage on insects disturbed by the horse’s movements on the prairie.

Adult Red-shouldered Hawk

Checking us out

These hawks tend to return to the same nesting territory year after year.

Immature Red-shouldered hawk

Watching us watching him!

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