Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Anemone “migration"

Wanderlust might be a more accurate description of the movements of our big anemone.  Every year it decides to travel a bit for npc known reason to us.  Temperature, salinity, nitrates, lighting and all other variables we measure remain unchanged.

The typical “look” of our tank

The usual position of the anemone 2-19-18.

The next morning

Overnight it moved almost 3 feet !  (2-20-18)

By the next morning it had “jumped” (actually it slid along the glass support strut between the front and back of the aquarium) from the back glass to the front glass so now we are looking at its “butt” instead of its beautiful tentacles.

At least our mated pair of Percula Clownfish often sashayed around the edge of its butt. (2-23-18)

On 2-25-18 the anemone is sliding along the glass support strut  toward the back of the tank.

Monday, 7 am, the anemone has moved again and has now dropped down into a really perfect position on the face of a piece of coral. (2-26-18)

By 7 pm on Monday (2-26-18) the anemone has left the piece of coral and appears to be heading home.

And by 8 pm on Tuesday, 2-27, it is right back where the journey started on 2-19!

Signs by a not-so-bright

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