Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sand Lake NWR, SD: 6-21-19

Eastern Fox Squirrel
This is the largest squirrel species in the East.  They tend to feed primarily on the ground on nuts, acorns, pine cones, seeds, fungi and fruit.

Male and female American Goldfinches 

Male Goldfinch:

Black-crowned Night-Heron

A very wide range and a large breeding area too.

Northern Leopard Frog
These large frogs are great wanderers and may move as much as a mile away from water during the summer into moist fields, meadows, and pastures. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blackbird attacks hawk: Sand Lake NWR, SD: 6-21-19

Red-tailed Hawk

Male Red-winged Blackbird harassing the hawk

Even riding on the hawk’s back

as it repeatedly pecked at the hawk

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Mottled Ducks on Egmont Key NWR: 5-17-19

Male with more orangish bill

Female with yellowish bill

Mottled Ducks:

A couple of pairs nest on Egmont Key (presumably to avoid the many land predators that are prevalent on Ft D (snakes, coyotes, raccoons, dogs, people)).  We saw one adult preening on the beach.  When the babies hatch they have enough energy from their yolk sacs for 1-2 days.  They need to be in fresh water to feed. Therefore, the mother duck will take the newly hatched ducklings and swim (at one mph) across Egmont Channel the mile and a half to the mainland (though we can’t figure out where there is any fresh water on Ft Desoto??) to find fresh water ponds with food for her ducklings.  (Thank you Ann Paul)

Pair (Male on Left)

Friday, June 21, 2019

Spirit Lake Area, Iowa: 6-18-19

Eastern Kingbird

Mating Bluet Damselflies

Dynamic House Wren

Mallard pair (Female on the right)

Painted Turtle

Red-eyed Vireo (These males are among the most persistent singers of all birds and have been recorded singing more than 10,000 songs a day in spring.