Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Indian Cave State Park, NE: 6-11-19

Bird Mobile at our lunch spot

Eastern Gray Treefrog

Male Yellow Warbler

Baby Eastern Bluebirds

Papa Bluebird showed up

Chipping Sparrow

He was singing to his mate

Many of the roads and trails in the park were closed due to flooding, erosion and/or flooding.

This kind of destruction is hard to imagine and what these poor people are suffering through has no relief in sight.  The lady in the park office told us that at a dam in South Dakota the Corps of Engineers for some unknown reason was releasing twice as much water as normal into the Missouri River, causing continued flooding.  Go figure!

Silver-spotted Skipper

Western Meadowlark, Nebraska’s state bird.

Though there are subtle differences between the Eastern and Western Meadowlarks, where their ranges overlap true birders say the only reliable way to tell them apart is by their calls.  This one was singing beautifully and we easily identified its song as that of the Western Meadowlark.

Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly

So beautiful

As is the equally beautiful  Red-spotted Purple Butterfly

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