Wednesday, August 7, 2019

East Africa: Feb, 2019


A great read

We only got a fleeting glance of a chimp (in bad light too)

Army ants on the trail.  We were VERY careful to avoid this area.  Interestingly, a couple of hours layer there were zero ants here and none reappeared in the following two days.

Vervet Monkey

One of the beautiful sunbirds with a bill designed to feed on the nectar inside specific flowers.  They are the old world equivalent to the new world hummingbirds.

Pygmy Kingfisher
This tiny kingfisher is sparse, though perhaps often overlooked, throughout its large range in tropical lowlands. They are found along quiet streams in forest interior, as well as flooded várzea and swampy edges of lakes. They perch low, and generally stay concealed. Their flight is fast and buzzy. Overall, this species is unique in its minute size, but also note the buffy collar, rufous breast and flanks with white belly, and solid green back. Their most frequently-heard vocalization consists of quiet ticking notes, though they also give a more song-like series of high, rapid notes. Like other kingfishers, their nest is a burrow in an exposed bank.

Woodland Kingfisher

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