Monday, September 12, 2022

Potpourri: Pleasant Valley Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, MA (8-26-22)

 The natural habitats in this refuge are ecologically managed to support native wildlife.  Sanctuary fields are mowed once each year, usually in the Fall, to keep them from reverting to forest.  By doing so, the variety of natural communities is maintained and plants and animals adapted to open habitats have the chance to flourish.


Three beavers from New York's Adirondacks were introduced here along Yokun Brook in 1932 -- one of the first reintroductions of the mammal in the Commonwealth.  Today's terraced ponds along Yokun Brook have resulted from extensive beaver activity that has continued over the past eight decades.

Colorful Shelf Fungi

Green Frog

Red-tailed Hawk

Wouldn't want to have been here during the storm that snapped this tree.

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