Sunday, July 31, 2016

Eagles and Ravens at Pack Creek: July 26, 2016

Eagles and Ravens: Aerial acrobatics in silhouette at Pack Creek

Needless to say, we were fascinated with the aerial displays of these magnificent birds above as we watched the Brown Bears around us on the ground (photos of the bears will be forthcoming).

Sunday July 31 Douglas Island

Sunday:  July 31st

Rainforest and Bog walk on Douglas Island which is just across the Gastineau Channel from Juneau, AK
Sunrise at about 4:30 am and sunset around 10 pm.

Typical SE Alaska weather

Carnivorous Sundew

Mushrooms of the Rainforest

Chicken of the Woods Mushroom

Northwestern Crow waiting patiently for the eagle to finish it's salmon meal

Shy Maiden

Fox Sparrow
This sparrow is larger than most other sparrows.

A group of Fox Sparrows is known as a "slyness" of sparrows.


Squirrel at work on a pine cone

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Humpback Whales: 7-29-16

We so enjoy watching Humpbacks being Humpbacks and you can see why they're Lindsay's favorite whales.

The fog comes in 

And the clouds do too

And the ice is so very blue

And the whales are amazing

Bird Survey: Pinellas NWR in Tampa Bay, 7-14-16

The seven islands we check every month

Osprey getting its Omega 3s

Female Anhinga
Note the sharp, pointed spear-like bill with which it spears its fish prey.

Little Blue Heron

In transitional plumage from its all-white immature plumage to its all-blue adult plumage

Black Skimmer
The Black Skimmer is the only American representative of the skimmer family (there is an African Skimmer and an Indian Skimmer).

A snow-covered mountain in Florida?

Nope.  Just a beautiful powder puff cloud!

Adult Brown Pelican


Young Brown Pelican

Alaska here we come

Signs we like