Saturday, October 1, 2016

Friday, September 30th: Chattahoochee Bend State Park

This park occupies 2,910 acres and is Georgia's 5th largest state park.  It is located along the banks of the Chattahoochee River for seven miles.  Interestingly, Georgia is unique in that all of its state parks with RV sites (42 in number) have water and electric hookups at every site.

BirdMobile in Chattahoochee Bend SP

Savannah Sparrow

These birds are one of the most numerous songbirds in all of North America and are likely visitors across the continent.  In summer, they don't hesitate to advertise their location, belting out a loud, insect-like song from farm fields and grasslands.

They tend to migrate at night like most songbirds.  They tend to migrate early in spring and late in fall.

BirdMobile at sunset in the park

Brown Thrasher
The state bird of Georgia

Eastern Comma Butterfly

The only Comma butterfly restricted to the East.  These Eastern Commas as well as the other Commas do not seem to migrate.

Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly

These butterflies usually fly within one foot of the ground or shrubs.

Fairy Ring Mushroom

Nine-banded Armadillo
Of the 20 varieties of armadillo, all live in Latin America except  this species which is the only one that includes the US in its range.

They are closely related to sloths and anteaters and in Spanish, armadillo means "little armored one."

Have never seen a contraption like this one

Factoids debunked

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