Friday, October 28, 2016

Great Blue Herons on Bird Survey on Pinellas NWR: 10-14-16

Great Blue Herons
 Majestic in flight

The largest North American Heron

They live in both freshwater and saltwater habitats and are very widespread across the US

They will eat almost anything within striking distance, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, insects, and other birds.
 (Green Cay Wetlands from a previous trip)

A previous Bird Survey trip

 Despite their impressive size, they weigh only 5-6 pounds thanks in part to their hollow bones - a feature of almost all birds.

Thanks to specially shaped neck vertebrae, Great Blue Herons can curl their neck into an S shape for more aerodynamic flight profile and to quickly strike at prey at a distance.


One of the earliest nesters, many are already constructing their nests.

Rearranging sticks on the nest

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