Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Vultures and Frigates: 12-17-16 Bird Survey

Turkey Vultures

Part of Mother Nature's clean-up crew

Male Magnificent Frigate
Males sport a vivid red pouch along their throats which they can inflate when trying to attract females.

Juveniles with white head and breast
 Frigate birds are great gliders and can stay aloft for weeks at a time, often gliding for 30 or 40 miles without a single wing flap.

Almost all of the females have left on their southern migration; we saw only juveniles and males.

Frigate birds are unique among aquatic birds.  Their feathers are not waterproof, so they can't land and rest on the waves.

This male has picked up a fish that had been hooked by a fisherman.  

The tail of the fish is protruding from the bird's bill and the monofilament line is trailing off.
Hopefully the bird will be able to cough up the fish before the hook gets imbedded in it's throat which would probably be a death sentence as the bird wouldn't be able to swallow.

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