Monday, October 22, 2018

Indian Peafowls at Moccasin Lake Nature Park: 10-12-18

The peacock (male peafowl) has some of the brightest feathers and one of the most impressive sorting displays of any bird in the world.

The Peahen on the left seems uninterested in the gyrating courtship display of the male.

The peacock’s back and belly have iridescent feathers in a scale pattern but they are best known for their “train.”  This is not their tail but long feathers which cover the base of the tail.


The train is covered in ocelli, which are round spots that look a lot like shining eyes.

Thankfully, the peacocks shed their train every year after the mating season, so these magnificent feathers can be gathered and sold without the birds coming to any harm and the average lifespan of a peacock is about 20 years.

A group of peafowl forages on the ground each day for grain, insects, small reptiles and mammals, berries, figs, leaves, feeds and flower parts.



Peahen with her peachick.

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