Thursday, March 28, 2019

Ft Desoto County Park: 3-21-19

Early morning moon shot as it is sinking into the Gulf of Mexico

Ruddy Turnstone

Probing for breakfast

Incoming Sanderling, another shorebird migrating through on its way to its northern breeding grounds

Willet There is a Western Willet that winters along the Gulf Coast while our Eastern Willets spend the winter in the Caribbean.  They look very much alike and at this time of the year it’s hard for us to tell if this is a Western who hasn’t left yet or an Eastern just back from the Caribbean.

Lots of birds of many different species roost on nearby Outback Key to which one can walk at low tide.

Forster’s Tern

Black-bellied Plover

Later in the year when they are farther north in their migration they look quite different in their breeding plumage.

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