Thursday, May 28, 2020

Fish Crows at Ft Desoto County Park: 5-14-20

They appear to be more resistant to West Nile Virus than the American Crow.  Survival rates of up to 45% have been reported for Fish Crows, compared with almost zero for American Crows.

This is typically the only crow species we have in Pinellas county

Corte Madera Shorebird Marsh, CA: 2-3-20

Adult Killdeer (males and females look alike)

Non-breeding Male Ruddy Duck (occasionally the males will lack white cheeks and can be confused with the Masked Duck)

Aptly-named Ring-billed Gull

American Wigeon

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Snowy Egrets on Bird Island: 5-17-20

In the height of the breeding season the lores often turn bright red

Displaying to impress a female