Sunday, March 26, 2017

Beach Nesting Bird Survey: Friday, March 24th

Ft Desoto: East Beach turnaround to the Bay Pier ( 2 1/2 miles)

 Adult, non-breeding Black-bellied Plover

Black "arm pits" are a unique field mark

This is what an adult male in breeding plumage looks like

Male Osprey

Mottled Ducks (male on the right)

Resting Laughing Gulls, the only gull that nests in our state

Ruddy Turnstone


Well-camouglaged int the wrack line debris

Stretching as wing in the wrack line

Adult male getting into breeding finery

This is a picture we took in Prince William Sound showing an adult male Ruddy Turnstone in breeding plumage (with three Black Turnstones)

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