Sunday, March 12, 2017

Deck shots: Wednesday, 3-8-17

Female Purple Martins foraging

Pair (Female is in the gourd)

Female Red-bellied Woodpecker

No doubt where the "red belly" in their name comes from

The female has drilled about 80% of the time

The nest hole is almost complete

We just hope the much more aggressive starlings won't eject the woodpeckers this time

American Oystercatcher

Nesting adults will add broken shells or pebbles to the nests in order to disguise the speckled eggs.

Two races of American Oystercatcher breed in North America:  the eastern race along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and a second race along the Pacific coast from northwestern Baja CA southward.

North of NW Baja CA, the Black Oystercatcher takes over

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