Saturday, November 19, 2016

Aquarium Do-out

Our 500 gallon saltwater aquarium has been set up for almost 30 years and it is time for an overhaul as an on-going outbreak of hair algae had basically taken over the tank.  The fish were happy and each one has been in the tank for over 10 years, as has the big anemone but the algae had even permeated into the coral.  The plan included help from brothers Mike and Pat Rivers of Tampa's Aquatic Designs who have helped me take care of the tank for decades.  First, 300 gallons of water was removed and then all the coral was taken out and put into tubs for an extended bleach bath.  The anemone was definitely not happy and looked sickly as it clung to the back of the aquarium while the cleaning was going on.  The Percula Clowns waited in the water 2 feet below the anemone looking up as if to say, "What the hell's going on and who took our home away!" Next the gravel substrate was removed and also put into a bleach bath.  Then temporary coral and new saltwater were put back into the tank, much to the fish's delight.  In a week or so my coral will be removed from the bleach bath tubs, washed extensively with fresh water, and left in the sun to dry for a few days before replacing the temporary corals now in the tank. When things have settled down we will add snails, conchs, and several new fish, all of which will be algae eaters to help keep the tank pristine and allowing some of the beneficial algae to naturally occur.

A few of the current inhabitants
 Blue-faced Angelfish

aka Yellow-faced Angelfish

Bariene Tang

Lemonpeel Angelfish

Naso Tang

Percula Clownfish (mated pair)

Hair Algae

In great excess

What it looked like before the algae takeover

Pat Rivers at work

The anemone was definitely stressed even though we kept dousing it with water every minute or so.

Brother Mike Rivers at the bleach bath tubs out on the seawall

 The temporary coral

Water and temporary coral are back in the tank

More temporary coral

The anemone and the Clowns are much happier now

How it looks now as we wait for the bleaching of the permanent coral and subsequent washing and drying to be completed.

Please stay tuned!

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