Sunday, November 13, 2016

DTI at Egmont Key NWR: 11-12-16

We spent all day on both Saturday and Sunday at Discover the Island, held annual on Egmont Key NWR.


On the 30 minute ferry ride from Ft Desoto across the Egmont Shipping Channel to Egmont Key we were greeted by several Common Bottlenose Dolphins

Our transportation across the channel to Egmont Key

A Forster's Tern was diving after small fish

Several Sandwich Terns were also rising in the Egmont Shipping  Channel

Lightning Strike Fire
Natural fires recycle nutrients for plant growth, control buildup of forest litter, provide bare soils for seed germination, and create an open canopy so sunlight can reach the forest floor.  This fire consumed 1/3 of the island.

Getting a permit for Prescribed burns is so very difficult, even though they are necessary to setback natural succession and clear the understory to improve use by nesting birds and Gopher Tortoises, temporarily remove cover and food used by rats making them easier to eradicate.

 Even though the trunks of these Sabal Palms are scorched, the trees are adapted to fire cycles and these trees are all still alive.  Notice how the understory beneath these trees has been burned away.

Looking north along this old brick road there had been fire on the right side but not on the left side as the road acted like a fire break.

Looking to the left there is way too much understory plants and shrubs.  Gopher Tortoises will not dig burrows here.

Looking to the right the dense understory has been cleared by the fire, making room for new seed germination as an open canopy was created allowing sunlight to reach the forest floor.

Since the natural lightning strike fire didn't get far enough south to destroy nesting bird habitat or travel far enough north to endanger any man-made structures, it acted like a "Prescribed Burn" which is  a good thing and was needed.

A handsome White Peacock Butterfly beside the trail.

A thought to ponder.

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