Monday, November 14, 2016

Ft Desoto: Thursday, 11-3-16

An Osprey greeted us as the sun started its climb above the horizon.

Black-bellied Plover (juvenile)
 The only American plover that has a hind toe on its foot.

 The largest of all North American plovers.

 They are usually the first to take flight when a flock of shorebirds is approached.

In their breeding plumage its much easier to see where they got their name

Fish Crow
 These birds build a new nest for each breeding attempt.  The nests are well made, and one small area may have existing nests from up to four different years.

Interestingly, they appear to be more resistant to West Nile Virus than the American Crow.  Survival rates of up to 45% have been reported for Fish Crows, compared with almost zero for American Crows.

Marbled Godwit
These handsome winter visitors are always a pleasure to see.

On their breeding grounds in the north central US and Canada, their nests are not easily found as these birds do not readily flush off their eggs.  In fact, incubating adults can sometimes even be picked up from the nest!

Steller Sea Lions (SE Alaska, not at Ft D)

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