Sunday, November 27, 2016

Egmont Key NWR 11-13-16

It's a good idea to pay attention to where one stops on the island.

It was a beautiful day.

Young Brown Pelicans (with a brown head)

The Guard House where up to 24 prisoners were held when Ft Dade was in its heyday.  Displays of island wildlife and presentations on the history of the island and the birds of Egmont Key are here.

Gopher Tortoise droppings (scat)

One of the 5000 ships per year that enter Tampa Bay

And a Tampa Bay Pilot must accompany each and every ship on its 45 mile journey from the mouth of Tampa Bay to Port Tampa and back again.

 This tanker is just about back into the Gulf of Mexico so the Pilot Boat is following and will shortly pull along side the tanker and the Pilot will descend a rope ladder on the side of the tanker and jump onto the deck of the Pilot Boat.   The boat will return to the Pilot Compound where the pilots live.

And another beautiful sunset marked a day where there were 202 visitors to the Guard House to view the displays, listen to the talks and purchase items that help the Friends of the Tampa Bay NWR try to save the islands in the refuge.

 A beautiful picture from BirdWatching magazine.

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