Saturday, November 3, 2018

Birds of Alaska and British Columbia: 9-18

 Black Oystercatchers

Immature Bald Eagle

Great Blue Heron (aka “Big Blue” as my dear dad used to call them) on kelp

Common Murres still in breeding plumage

Common Murres in winter, non-breeding plumage

Red-necked Phalaropes in winter, non-breeding plumage

Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope

Rhinoceros Auklets tend to be nocturnal.  They are the largest auklet and are actually a puffin and have a genus all their own.

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel: These guys nest in colonies in underground burrows.

Surfbirds: Though these birds tend to be coastal most of the year, they nest in the mountains.  Go figure.

How boring life would be without newspapers.

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