Friday, November 9, 2018

Nature’s Cleanup Crew for Red Tide: Egmont Key NWR, 11-4-18

Lighthouse under the authority of the US Coast Guard

Turkey Vulture

These birds, like other birds that feed on carrion, are protected from disease associated with decaying animals by a very sophisticated immune system.

Like its stork relatives, they often defecate on their own legs, using the evaporation of the water in the feces to cool themselves.

Unlike most birds, they have a keen sense of smell allowing it to find dead animals hidden below a forest canopy.

They tend to lay one to three eggs.

One parent remains with the young birds much of the time at first.

Both parents feed the young by regurgitation.

If young are approached in the nest, they defend themselves by hissing and regurgitating.  The young tend to fly first at 9-10 weeks of age.

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