Thursday, November 29, 2018

Winston-Salem, NC: T-Day

Sweet Belle

One of the Best (If not THE BEST) Dogs EVER!

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Tufted Titmouse

These birds hoard food in fall and winter, a behavior they share with many of their relatives, including chickadees and tits.  They take advantage of any bird feeder’s bounty by storing many of the seeds they get.  Interestingly, they take only one seed per trip and usually shell the seeds before hiding them.

Black-capped Chicadee

These dynamos are small, non-migratory songbirds that are in the tit family.

They are the state bird of Maine and Massachusetts and the Provincial Bird of New Brunswick in Canada.

Like the Tufted Titmouse, these birds also hide seeds and other food items to eat later.  Each item is placed in a different spot and the chickadees can remember thousands of hiding places!

White-breasted Nuthatch

These birds also typically store seeds for later in the winter, usually by wedging them into furrows in the bark of nearby trees.

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