Tuesday, June 6, 2017

8-7-16: Frederick Sound near Kake

Found this post that never got published.  Enjoy.

A beautiful day

One of the Humpback Whales was Bubble-net feeding all by himself.  Usually several, often 10-12 whales will do this feeding behavior.

Though this looks like a "foot print" made by the flukes as the whale swims, this is actually a bubble-net that this whale made by expelling air bubbles which rose to the surface keeping small fish inside the net as they don't realize they could just swim right through the bubbles and escape.  The whales usually explode up through the circle of bubbles with their mouths open and break the surface but this whale did all that just below the surface.  We could see him from the top deck of Delphinus

Spider web that lasted several days on the front railing of Delphinus

Male and female White-winged Scoters

This baby Sea Otter was bleating like a goat calling for its mother. We heard it before we saw it.

Finally Mom showed up and all is well.

Pigeon Guillemots are members of the Auk family and are endemic to the Pacific Ocean.
 They feed in shallower water than most other auks, puffins and murrelets.

 It's interesting to watch them scale essentially vertical rock faces by vigorous flapping of their wings combined with the use of the sharp claws on their webbed feet.

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