Monday, September 5, 2016

8-10-16: Anan Creek Bear Reserve near Wrangell, SE Alaska

This bear reserve is located 30 miles south of Wrangell and is accessed only by boat or floatplane.  The season is from mid-June through mid-September when the pink salmon are running.

Sometimes the colors can be deceiving.  Some of the black bears can look brown and vice versa.

Claws are multi-purposed

Wet from all the rain

Exploring on their own

 Bears have the best sense of smell of any land mammal, seven times better than a bloodhound.

American Dipper
It's always exciting to see one of these birds on our western trips.  This one flew along the river's edge and landed nearby.  In order to survive in the cold waters here during the winter, they have a very low metabolic rate, extra oxygen-carrying capacity in their blood, and a thick coat of feathers.  They also are equipped with an extra eyelid (the nictitating membrane) that allows them to see underwater, and scales that close their nostrils when submerged while feeding.

Signs to make you smile
Outside a muffler shop: 
"No appointment necessary,  We hear you coming."

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