Thursday, September 1, 2016

8-6-16: Frederick Sound, SE Alaska

Steller Sea Lions (aka Steller's Sea Lions)

Some came out to investigate the Delphinus

Most just stayed on shore dong their thing

And some went fishing

As we headed toward the town of Kake on Kupreanof Island in SE Alaska, we came upon several humpback whales, some of whom were lunge feeding.

This lunge feeding sequence shows how big they can open their mouths, taking in over 500 gallons of water.

The throat opens about 2/3's the length of the whale all the way to their navel.

As this whale raises one of its pectoral fins for a "Pec Slap," you can see the inflated throat going 2/3's the length of its body (about 30 FEET!)

When they slam this 15 foot long fin down flat on the water, the sound can be heard from miles away if the conditions are right.

As the whale dove and left the area he gave a nice side tail lunge as if to say, "See ya later!"

As the night captured the last colors of the day, the sky was beautiful.

Good night.

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