Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tuesday, September 27th: Gorges State Park, NC

Ants with the spoils of battle

Busy as a Bee, pollinators extraordinaire

Fall foliage is starting


We are seeing no raptors at the Hawk Watch spots as we are too early and they are not migrating yet.  Also, we are seeing and hearing very few songbirds as they tend to migrate at night, don't sing since mating/nesting season is over and they're not in their handsome breeding plumage if we do catch a glimpse.  Thankfully there are a few beautiful butterfly species storing up nectar as they are migrating, especially the Monarchs who have to go all the way to their wintering grounds in Mexico.  Some of the ones we're seeing here will head south and go around the Gulf of Mexico but many will head to St Marks NWR near Tallahassee, FL or even further south before heading out across the Gulf.

Pipevine Swallowtail (missing one of its "tails") Butterfly

Variegated Fritillary Butterfly


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