Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Family of singers in the Dauphin Island Audubon Bird Sanctuary: 4-12-18

Brown Thrasher

I love this bird and when I see birds on my Top 10 list, I tend to photograph them over, and over, and .... Please bear with me.

These handsome birds are most obvious when they sing their loud songs from shrubs and treetops.  The song is a complex string of many musical phrases, often copied from other birds’ songs, with each phrase typically sung only two or three times.

In the same family is the Northern Mockingbird, another beautiful singer who typically repeats it’s multiple phrases five or six times.

With 5 it ranks number three in birds with multiple state bird listings to its credit

A little disheveled after bathing, preening and shaking.

Another beautiful singer in this family is the Gray Catbird.

Though good singers, they rank third for me behind number one, Brown Thrasher and #2, Northern Mockingbird

They have a vibrant rufous color on their under tail coverts which isn’t often visible.

Thankfully, this bird was very cooperative.

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